Welcome to the veterinary nutrition consultation!

We would like to support pet owners as well as their veterinarians in choosing the most suitable nutritional option for dogs and cats through our consultation: It is customized and tailored to the potential medical needs of each patient, on the basis of the most recent research findings in the field of nutrition.

Regardless of whether you would like to feed a commercial complete diet or a cooked or raw (BARF) home-made diet, our aim is to provide you with a dietary recommendation founded on our expertise, which also addresses your personal requests and wishes.

Please find more information about the consultation and continuing education offers as well as prices and procedures on the following pages. You can begin the request for a nutrition consultation for your dog or cat directly using the anamnesis form.
You are also welcome to contact us directly via phone or E-Mail. We are happy to answer any questions you have.

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Nutrition consultation